Европейско социално изследване в България
Научно-изследователски екип
Инструментариум и данни
По повод на предстоящото отбелязване на 25 години участие на България в Международната научна инфраструктура "International Social Survey Program" (ISSP) редица наши международни партньори споделиха своите виждания за мястото на България в международната програма. Ето някои от тях:

Senior Fellow Tom Smith, Chicago University, USA
Director of NORC"s Center for the Study of Politics and
Director of the General Social Survey (GSS) since 1980 - one
of NORC"s most visible projects and one of the USA most
heavily utilized datasets
Co-founder and former Secretary General of the
International Social Survey Program (ISSP)


The Agency for Social Analyses (ASA) in Bulgaria is celebrating its 25th anniversary
in 2019. There are abundant reasons for celebration since ASA has made major
contributions to the social sciences in Bulgaria and beyond. The ASA"s global
contributions have come mainly from its participation in important cross-national
surveys such as the International Social Survey Program (ISSP) and the European
Social Survey (ESS). Lilia Dimova started Bulgaria"s participation in the ISSP by
conducting its 1992 Social Inequality and 1993 Environment studies at the
Institute for Trade Union Social Research. When she founded the ASA in 1994, the
ISSP in Bulgaria continued under its auspices. In 2014 the ASA become co-founder
and key member of a Consortium aiming to guarantee country’s participation in
the ISSP and ESS. Altogether Bulgaria has carried out 20 ISSP studies, including the
latest in 2018 on Religion, as well as 5 ESS modules – all project funded. Due to its
contribution to both prestige programmes Bulgaria is well recognized and highly
respected by international social science community. The long, ISSP series both
places Bulgarian society in comparative perspective and studies societal change in
Bulgaria since on the ISSP studies topics and individual measures are regularly
replicated, usually at 10-year intervals. As co-founder of the ISSP, I have attended
many ISSP meetings with Dr. Dimova and have personally observed her strong
commitment to advancing the social sciences in general and contributing to the
ISSP in particular. It is only through the dedications of scholars like her that the
ISSP has grown and thrived. I thank her and her colleagues at ASA for their longterm
and continuing contributions to the ISSP and the ESS.

Ms. Mary Keane, City University of London, UK


ESS ERIC Administrator, ESS ERIC HQ



 ...I am just sorry that Sir Roger Jowell – co-founder of the (International Social Survey Programme – ISSP) and European Social Survey (ESS) – is no longer with us as I am sure he would have liked to pass on his admiration for...  a quarter of a century (Bulgaria) being on the world map of academic social survey research - first with the ISSP since 1994 and then with the ESS since 2005.

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Professor Noah Lewin-Epstein, Israel

 pas Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences

 Tel Aviv University, Israel

Former General Secretary of the ISSP

Dear Lilia,...Your pointed comments during our General Assembly discussions have been invaluable,
and your contributions to the development of the Work Orientation module, on
which we worked together, were always on target...

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Professor MaxHaller, Austria

Department of Sociology, University of Graz

Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna

Lecturer at the Universities of Vienna, Graz, Corvinus University Budapest and Charles University Prague

Founding member of the ISSP

...Dr. Dimova is one of the most reliable participants in the annual ISSP Working Conferences. Through her many valuable comments and proposals during those meetings she also made valuable contributions to the topics and questionnaires developed by ISSP...

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Prof. Dr. Christof Wolf, Germany

President of GESIS 

ISSP General Secretary


Dr. Evi Scholz, Germany

German ISSP


...From its very beginning in 1994, having fulfilled the methodological and funding requirements to run Bulgaria"s ISSP appropriately and with a long-term perspective, ASA became a highly welcomed member of the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP)…

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Knut Kalgraff Skjåk, Norway

Associate Director of the NSD, Norway

Former General Secretary of the ISSP

…Since Bulgaria became a member of the ISSP in 1994, ASA has made important contributions to the ISSP… fielded almost all ISSP modules, producing stable and long-term time series...and has contributed to the ISSP methodology in general…
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Dr. Jarè Struwig, South Africa

Chief Research Manager

Democracy, Governance and Service Delivery (DGSD)

Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)

 …Throughout the years Bulgaria played a vital role in the ISSP, both in terms of contributing to theoretical arguments and in terms of practical suggestions on survey content.. and we hope to continue serving on the ISSP together with Lilia for the next 25 years!

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Dr. Mahar Mangahas, The Philippines  

President, Social Weather Stations

…we have known and enjoyed the stimulating company of Lilia Dimova all these many years…

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Dr. Markus Quandt, Germany

 The head of the Research Data Center International Survey Programmes at GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences

The team leader for the ISSP Data Archive.


…we extend our sincere thanks to the ASA staff …  for being such reliable partners in the production of high-quality comparative survey data!

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Dr. Miloslav Bahna, Slovakia
Director of the Institute for Sociology

at the Slovak Academy of Sciences

…Thanks to the Agency for Social Analyses (ASA) Bulgaria has its place on the “map” of global comparative survey research…

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Professor Jonas Edlund , Umeå University, Sweden


...Over time Bulgaria has regularly taking an active part in the ISSP and thereby contributed to the programme’ s success...

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Prof. Lyudmila A. Khakhulina, Russia

Academic Supervisor and Archive Council Chair

Deputy Director of the Levada Center.

Dr. Olga Karaeva,

Levada-Center, Russia

 …despite (financial) difficulties, all these 25 years Lilia Dimova has been a very active and effective representative of Bulgaria in the overall ISSP team…

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